Masonic Jewel

My Brothers, I bring you holiday greetings as we head into the end of 2021. I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanza and a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Jephtha Lodge has been getting out to the district of late. In November we attended the District Deputy Grand Master’s visit to the Babylon lodge where Jephtha made an impressive showing with 8 brothers. It was a wonderful event and the hospitality of W:. Chano Rivera, the Wardens and Brothers of Babylon Lodge #793 was warm and inviting.

The Brothers of Jephtha lodge also made a strong showing at the Installation of the officers of Truth Triangle #31. Lead by W:. Jeremiah Campbell, many of the line officers were present for what truly was an inspired evening as the Truth Triangles installed their Beloved Queen, Lilyonna Morales, for her second term. The young ladies of the Truth Triangle #31 presented an exceptional ceremony with outstanding floor and ritual work. We also had present two of Jephtha Lodge’s very own DeMolays, Tristan Schulbaum and Dillon Sloop. It was a great evening and I encourage our brothers to continue showing strong support for our Masonic Youth. They are our future.

In December, Jephtha Lodge will be supporting the Long Island Past Masters Association Holiday Gala on December 13th. This association has long been a supporting body for Suffolk Masons, and our new District Deputy, R:.W:. Jeffrey G. Santorello, made a special request to support this event. Jephtha will answer that call.

We will end the year with a bang with Jephtha Lodge’s New Year’s Eve Party. Details are being planned as of this writing.

2021 has been a trying year. Continued pandemic concerns, a changing economy, apprehension and uncertainty have weighed heavily upon everyone. Jephtha Lodge has continued to do what it always does, be a beacon light in the darkness. As we begin the holiday season and see the festive decorations and lights, we should remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Remember our duty to contribute to helping all members of our community. To support this endeavor, the Benevolence Committee will continue to collect coats, nonperishable foods and toys through the Holiday Party on November 27th. If you have not yet contributed by then, please bring a donation to the party.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Br. William P Fenty III
Junior Warden




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