Masonic Jewel

My Brothers,

Another year of masonry is in full swing. I would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to our Brothers who have helped make our collations in September a huge success. Without our hard working core of Stewards, we would not be able to create the great meals we all enjoy. Our Brothers put in many hours of hard work to make these evenings the success they are.

I do remember the musings of W:. Rich Harris, when reflecting on his days as Junior Warden, that his fondest memories were of the brotherly bonds he forged in that kitchen. While I appreciated the sentiment at the time, I don’t think I truly understood it until now when it has been my turn to serve in the kitchen. The past few events we have hosted have brought me closer to this great group of brothers and have taught me the value of working hand in hand, brother to brother, to achieve many great things.

The kitchen will be a happening place in October for our Stated Communication on October 11th and our Special Communication on October 25th (see menus below). We end the month with our Oktoberfest on October 30th where the usual German fare will be served… Beer.

I look forward to seeing you all in October.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Br. William P Fenty III
Junior Warden




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