Masonic Jewel

My Dear Brothers!

Summer is coming to an end and activities at Jephtha Lodge will soon reconvene. I am looking forward to welcoming everyone back again to begin a new and exciting year.

Despite COVID we were still able to have much success and brotherly love in our Lodge last year, thanks to WM Colonna and all the Brothers of Jephtha. Our new WM Campbell has a busy trestle board for us, which will include more family gatherings. I encourage all brethren to attend as many of these as possible, showing our partners
firsthand what we are about, how we care for each other, and all the good work we do and accomplish.

My advice to all officers in line is to carefully watch the Brother who is ahead of you. Question what he does and why, and after you get your role perfected, start learning your next role. To all the Brothers who desire to travel East, please speak with any of the Deacons, Wardens and our Worshipful Master. Let them know your intentions and assist in the Lodge as much as you can. Masonry is a beautiful craft, but it requires plenty of work from all of us, but when the result is beautifully and successfully accomplished there is nothing more Masonically fulfilling.

We have a Second Degree on September 23rd and I look forward to being the acting Worshipful Master for the degree. If you are a Fellowcraft and Master Mason, please attend and witness this beautiful Degree, as well as supporting the newly raised Fellowcrafts.

September also brings us to the 20 year anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. If you are someone who worked at ground zero no matter how long ago, or know of someone who did, please make sure you get checked regularly. Make sure you are signed up for the World Trade Center Health Program and go to the lung and heart doctors every 6 months. Also sign up with an attorney, and if you are not willing to do this for yourself, please keep your families in mind. If you have any questions on this important matter, please get in contact with me as I have guided numerous Ground Zero Workers in the right direction.

It is an honor to serve as your Senior Warden for the ensuring year. I’m here for all Brethren as all of us officers are. If you have any concerns, questions, or need advice you can always reach out to me, to any officer of this lodge and to all Brethren.

What used to be a sad time of year with summer ending is now a more joyous time because we are opening for the new Masonic Year.

Always remember, the brightest light you can give as a Mason is the greatest gift to Masonry.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Michael S. Crispino, Jr
Senior Warden




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