Masonic Jewel

Welcome back my Brothers!

September kicked off the new Masonic year overflowing with brotherly love. Jephtha’s first stated communication. A new Masonic year is here! I hope you all had a wonderful summer with your family and friends. The plan this year is to continue strengthening our brotherly love and contribute to the relief of our distressed brethren. We’ve survived a hellacious year, but we are not out of the woods yet. We must be vigilant and cautious while achieving more than our expected goals.

The objectives we set will require a little from each of you. Jephtha Lodge is dependent upon all of us contributing in whatever capacity we’re able to provide. Whether it’s ritual, fundraising or assisting with a committee, there’s a place for you to jump in and contribute. No man is an island, and we can achieve all things by working together.

Our Masonic year will be filled with many exciting events open to friends, family and most importantly, our partners. I believe involving them will be more important than ever due to an unprecedented 2020. Please feel free to request access to all Jephtha Lodge social media including our BAND and Facebook pages to stay up to date with all events. Let’s make this year at Jephtha one to remember. Thank you in advance for your time, energy and commitment.

There are two important activities at Jephtha Loge in September all brothers should attend:
* September 13, 2021, at 7 PM
Stated Communication – DSA Award for one of our brothers. Guest Speaker, R\ W\ Matthew Dinizio
* September 27, 2021, at 7 PM
Fellowship Degree
Please take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly.

On behalf of all our Brothers at Jephtha Lodge, I wish our Jewish Brethren a very Happy New Year and a
blessed Yom Kippur, and to all our Brothers here and abroad, health and happiness.

Sincerely & Fraternally Yours,
W:. Jeremiah Campbell




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